Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Mina-san, irashaimasen...!

(As japanese classes progress I may find that this is not the way one greets newcomers to ones blog. Nonetheless, it's how I am greeted on a daily basis here in Tokyo.. so to be on the safe side, please pretend you're entering my ramen shop..)

I`ll keep this brief. Why a blog? Because you're curious.... of what it's like to live in Tokyo. Understandably!

And as curiosity is married to the familiar but will always belong to the unknown, from this blog expect to get, alittle of what you hoped for, and perhaps a whole lot you didn't bargain for. But i guess curiosity is the card hidden in the sleeve of life's grand toxedo - its way of saying "got you there.. didn't expect that didya?.." - otherwise our lives would never willingly change. And our world would be a monotonous backdrop, to a very boring act, in an empty auditorium.

This is my way of preparing you for the telling of a somewhat personal journey through Japan - hence the blog title -  and one that has not yet been written, hence is of a mood yet to be determined. Be warned, and please forgive me, it may not resonate at your own frequencies. I should forgive myself also in advance, as I know it will not always resonate with mine..

Comments always welcome.. I will try and post pictures as soon I reveal my true identity here as a tourist.

Without further ado..

And as they say over here.. Please enjoy!

(......or else)


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